Crypto betting platform
The first MVP version of a platform where people have fun making crypto predictions.
Jun 2022 - Nov 2022
UI/UX Designer
Platform screens
About the project
HamsterWin - is a crypto betting platform where people make crypto predictions and have fun.
The product is a start-up and the team wanted to create their first MVP version of a platform.
For this project I was provided with sketches that showed approximate information and functionality that should be on the platform.
The challenge
Make the platform for people to have fun, monitor cryptocurrency rate, easily make bets, follow prediction history and join contests. The platform should be mobile first with adaptation to the desktop.
Also I had to improve the landing page for this platform, make it look better, using existing visual direction, UI elements and structure.
My role
I was the only designer working on the platform.
My responsibilities included: communicating with the client, conducting competitor analysis, setting up the UI direction, providing UI/UX design, creating a style guide with a component library.
Also I participated in logo creation and improved the landing page designed by another designer.
Provided sketches
Provided sketches
Old landing page design
Old landing page design
Design process
Project discussion
Competitor analysis
UI/UX design
Project discussion
I learned about the business and its audience, defined its goals and needs, clarified all the needed details about the project.
Competitor analysis
I analysed our direct and indirect competitors, studied their successful and unsuccessful solutions, common patterns, flow, functionality and design. I figured out which successful solutions we could apply and which mistakes we should avoid, got inspiration and new ideas.
Crypto betting platform
The platform is a place for people to have fun, make crypto predictions, join contests and monitor the cryptocurrency rate.
I made the UI bright and cartoonish to create a playful atmosphere. I designed cards and layout so that making crypto predictions and monitoring the cryptocurrency rate monitoring was easy and fun.
When a user visits the platform for the first time he is offered to take a tour showing how to use the platform.
For the tutorial I used a set of pop-overs because along with information they point to the exact place where a user can perform the described action, which make the tutorial simple and clear.
Onboarding screens
On the Home page users can monitor the cryptocurrency rate and make crypto predictions.
I designed the page so that users can monitor the cryptocurrency rate and make crypto predictions at the same time without switching between pages. As phones have small screens I added the ability to minimize the graph when users don’t need it. Also I put a short instruction on the screen in case a user skipped the tutorial or just needed a reminder.
Home page screens
Desktop users can view the history on the Home page while for mobile I made a separate History page to simplify the Home page.
Prediction history screens
To have even more fun users can also join contests and compete with other users.
Contests screens
On the Profile page users can request play money, access their prediction history and settings. Desktop users have a more advanced prediction history table with ability to search and filter results.
Profile, prediction history and settings pages for mobileProfile, prediction history and settings pages for desktop
If users want to play using BTC, APE or other crypto currency they can connect their wallets to deposit or withdraw their crypto currency.
Wallet pop-up
Styles & components library
Typography & colours
Typography and colours
Landing page
I redesigned the landing page for the platform to make it look better, using existing visual direction, UI elements and structure.
I divided the page to sections using different background colours and placed information in blocks to improve scan-ability of the page and give it a finished look. I also paid attention to elements’ sizes and colour contrast to improve readability and accessibility.
New landing page design for desktopNew landing page design for mobile
I designed the MVP version of the crypto betting platform which showed well the capabilities and prospects of the project.
The platform looks easy and playful and encourages users to play the game and have fun. It allows users to conveniently monitor cryptocurrency rate and place bets at the same page, follow their prediction history and join contests with other users.
Thanks to the redesign the landing page better represents the product, has better readability and scan-ability and looks nicer. Which helps to attract new users and investors.